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Running a VSTS Docker Agent in Kubernetes

Monday, April 24, 2017

Kubernetes and Visual Studio Team Services are my two favorite things to hack on these days. Today we'll look at how to run VSTS private build agents in Kubernetes.

Why run VSTS agents in Kubernetes?

Save money

One reason we might want to run VSTS agents in Kubernetes is to save costs. Each VSTS account comes with 240 build minutes per month. After they're used up, we have to pay $40. That isn't a lot. But if we're running a Kubernetes cluster anyway, it might be advantageous to run our own VSTS agents on there.

In the past, it was difficult to set up and maintain agent machines. But now VSTS agents can run as Docker containers; this makes it really simple to run them in Kubernetes.

Run tests on services not accessible by VSTS hosted agents

Another reason to run VSTS agents in Kubernetes is to make it possible to run integration and functional tests on services in the cluster that do not have a public endpoint. This is the scenario we'll talk about today.

Services in Kubernetes can be exposed directly through a load balancer or via an ingress. But other services such as those of type ClusterIP are not reachable from the public internet and are difficult to test from a cloud service like VSTS.


By running a VSTS agent in the cluster, we make it possible to test any service, regardless of type. Kubernetes services have a stable name that can be resolved via DNS. This makes it really easy for the VSTS agent to talk to other services in the cluster.

Setting up the VSTS Docker agent

It only takes a few minutes to get a VSTS agent running in a Kubernetes cluster. The first step is to create an agent pool. This can be done on the Agent Pools page under the main account settings.

Add Pool

Next, we need to create a personal access token with the Agent Pools (read, manage) scope that each agent will use to connect to VSTS. This can be generated in the Security section of our profile.

Get token

Take the token and create a secret in Kubernetes containing the token and the account name:

$ kubectl create secret generic vsts --from-literal=VSTS_TOKEN=<VSTS-TOKEN-HERE> --from-literal=VSTS_ACCOUNT=anthonyc

And then we can run our agent by applying this Kubernetes manifest:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: vsts-agent
  replicas: 1
        app: vsts-agent
        version: "0.1"
      - name: vsts-agent
        image: microsoft/vsts-agent:ubuntu-16.04-docker-17.03.0-ce-standard
          - name: VSTS_ACCOUNT
                name: vsts
                key: VSTS_ACCOUNT
          - name: VSTS_TOKEN
                name: vsts
                key: VSTS_TOKEN
          - name: VSTS_POOL
            value: kubernetes-anthony
        - mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
          name: docker-volume
      - name: docker-volume
          path: /var/run/docker.sock

This runs the agent with the proper credentials to connect to VSTS. Note that VSTS_POOL needs to be set to the name of the agent pool we created earlier. We also enable Docker support inside the container.

If we did everything properly, we should be able to see the agent in the pool:


Deploying an application to test

For simplicity, we'll deploy a dummy service to our cluster that echos back HTTP headers. It consists of a service of type ClusterIP and a replication controller:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: echoheaders
    app: echoheaders
  type: ClusterIP
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    name: http
    app: echoheaders


apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: echoheaders
  replicas: 1
        app: echoheaders
      - name: echoheaders
        - containerPort: 8080

Write a test

We'll use Jest to write a simple test to assert that the echo service returns 200.

const request = require('superagent');

const url = process.env.ENDPOINT_URL || 'http://echoheaders';

describe('GET ' + url, () => {
    it('should return 200', done => {
            .then(res => {

Note that we're using the service name to access the service. The name is resolved by Kubernete's DNS. There's no need to worry about IP addresses or randomly-assigned ports.

Run the test during a VSTS release

We can run tests from either a build or a release in VSTS. Because integration and functional tests tend to run after an app is released to a certain environment, we'll call the test from a release. The test files need to be available as artifacts from a build or from a source repository.

It's a very simple release pipeline. The tricky part is finding the "Run on agent" page and setting the Deployment queue to the proper pool name that we created earlier.


Now if we did everything properly, we should be able to create a new release and the test should run successfully in the Kubernetes cluster.


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